Through November 19, the Ortho Walk-In Clinic will see patients by appointment only. Questions? Please call 814-467-3628.

Orthopedic Testimonials

“What can I do now… It’s amazing. I can walk up and down steps, which I know sounds crazy, but when you have bad knees you don’t go up and down steps. And the biggest thing I can do now without crying is I can get up here and see my horse. I can walk in the indoor. I can get her out and feel confident that I’m not worrying about getting bumped or the other horses bumping me.

I would tell somebody who is having knee pain and who is struggling whether not to do it or to do it – do it. It’s a tough road, it’s a scary road, but I’m only two and a half months out and I’m thrilled. I would 100 percent go back to Chan Soon-Shiong to have my next knee done. Absolutely. They were just very… they’re so accommodating and they’re so worried about whether you’re doing well, if you’re comfortable. They really did have good follow-up for us. It’s definitely a life-changer.”

– Vicki

“TotalCare Orthopedics, across from the hospital, is where I went for my pre-op. And that was a week or two weeks, I think, before the operation and that was nice in there. They did everything and explained everything to us. They gave me exercises to do to get it in shape and get it back to where it should be. I’m very pleased with how they took care of me and what it feels like right now.

Windber Home Health was here for me from the first day until the last day, and they helped me the whole time. They were very good, they were here… the nurses were here twice a week, and the physical therapist was here three days a week.

I can do just about anything. I just don’t have the pain no more, which is great. Like, I was just down in the garden with that rototiller… I’m fine. …I just talked to somebody not too long ago, he’s going in to have an appointment for his hip. I said, ‘You’re making a good choice.’ Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber, I recommend it to anybody.”


“Each time I was scheduled for and received one of my three surgical procedures at Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber, I experienced outstanding integrated teamwork and operational protocol. The process of scheduling, preparing and having my surgery was masterfully efficient, complete with effective communications at each stage throughout the process. Both my wife, and those of my family who were in the waiting room during the surgery were definitely well-informed and prepared for each stage of the procedure, prior to, during, and after.

Upon returning to my room each time after surgery, I was immediately taken care of by a team of nurses that made me comfortable, ensured my well-being, and assisted with any possible need I might have.

I returned to my residence with professional assistance the evening of the same day I had each of my surgical procedures. (I should add that I have had two total knee replacements and extensive repair to my shoulder after having torn four tendons and splitting my rotator cuff.) Each time I arrived at my residence, a home health-care nurse along with a physical therapist were waiting for me in my driveway.  What hospital does that? Chan Soon Song, that’s who! And I must add that the physical therapists and home health-care nurses were uncommonly professional, caring, and punctual throughout the days following my return home. What more could a person want, need or ask for?

Recently in the evening news media, New York City hospitals heralded their “break-through” innovation in knee surgery that affords patients the ability to return home the same day of their surgery. My sister heard that news and laughed at it because she knew I had already accomplished that back in Windber, PA with my three surgeries. When a small rural community such as Windber can boast of doing something well in advance of big city hospitals, such as those found in New York City, I think it clearly demonstrates something — how fortunate we are to have that healthcare available to all of us. Do you think New York City offers healthcare support like that which I have described?

Last but not least, I can’t say enough about Dr. R. Brandon Trale and his assistants. They are simply exceptional. My full recovery from each surgical procedure was incredibly fast. For example, after having my first knee replacement, I was driving and pushing a lawn mower within four weeks. It only got better and better from that point onward. Today I have full mobility of my arms and legs and equally important, as I approach the age of 74 next month, I am free of arthritic pain which was menacingly persistent for more years than I care to think about.

Yes, I am a person blessed with generally good health, and I intend to keep it that way by keeping Chan Soon-Shiong as my Medical Center of Choice. I urge others to do the same.”

-Gene (pictured with his wife)