
JMBCC Receives $3K from Richland High School Key Club

Representatives from Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber’s Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center were presented with a check for $3,000 from Richland High School’s Key Club. To raise the money, Key Club members sold Pink Out football game t-shirts, as well as held a basket raffle and collected donations during the game. Additionally, the students collected donations from October Casual for a Cause Fridays, where students donated a dollar to wear a baseball hat during the Friday school day.

Pictured, left to right: Brandon Bailey, Richland High School principal; Tom Reed, Key Club president; Zach Valkovci, Key Club treasurer; Forrest Fordham, Key Club public relations officer; Kim Oleksa, Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber development/fundraising coordinator; Erin Goins, JMBCC director; Meredith Trabold, Key Club secretary; and Josh Hilands, Key Club vice president.